Every woman knows that a pregnancy is a difficult and rewarding journey, but there is general consensus that late stage pregnancy can come with some significant discomfort. Some of the bigger bumps in the road are known ahead of time, and some are wonderful surprises….that make you wonder who convinced you to do this in the first place! All in all, the majority of women say that all the discomforts they braved during their pregnancy pale in comparison to the joy of bringing a child into the world.
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Most of the pregnancy discomforts differ from woman to woman. Some people get a lot of uncomfortable symptoms, and some not so many. Each woman will have a different experience, but take a look at some of the most classic problems.
Nausea and vomiting are perhaps the most popular examples of the trials of pregnancy. Morning sickness in particular is the most common complaint. Half of all pregnant women experience sickness and sometimes vomiting in the very first trimester of pregnancy. These symptoms range from mild to severe; some women report having the sickness all throughout their pregnancy and some for only a short time.
Morning sickness is said to be caused by changes in hormone levels during the early stages. There are some things that make morning sickness even worse, and they include excess stress, traveling, and foods rich in proteins and fats that are difficult to digest. It’s advised to eat several smaller meals throughout the day to keep you from getting too full, and focus on complex carbs such as whole grains, bananas, and leafy greens.
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Always be careful if there’s a lot of vomiting, because you can get hyperemesis which leads to terrible dehydration. If you have consistent and severe nausea and vomiting, contact your doctor for further care and advice.
Fatigue is another common side effect of pregnancy, and one of the symptoms most complained about. However, don’t be worried by fatigue. You need to understand that your body is working overtime to nourish the environment of the fetus. Extra blood and fluids are being created to make for a safe and effective environment for the growing fetus, and that means that you feel heavier and your body is worker harder.
It is also very common for pregnant women to get hemorrhoids. Pregnant women get constipated easily during pregnancy; that plus the combined pressure on the rectum from the belly will cause hemorrhoids. Avoiding constipation helps avoid hemorrhoids, so make sure you’re getting enough fiber and drinking enough water.
Varicose veins are yet another complaint during pregnancy. These swollen, purple veins are common in the legs due to increased pressure caused by weight and the increase in blood caused by the fetus.
Other symptoms include heartburn, indigestion, and many aches and pains. No one said pregnancy would be easy. In fact, you’re going to endure a lot of discomfort as your body exerts itself to perform its natural phenomenon. Take heart; it will all make sense after your baby has arrived.
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