No one ever thinks about how much it costs to bring a baby into the world today. When someone is experiencing the joy and excitement of a baby coming into the world, they often don’t stop to think that there is a huge investment needed to bring this child back through the hospital doors, not only physically and emotionally, but financially. Inform yourself of what you’re facing in the coming months by reviewing the cost of bringing a child into the world.
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Every person is going to experience a very different situation when it comes to funding the birth of a child. Certain factor such as where in the country you live, what hospital you chose for your birthing, whether or not you’ll have a vaginal or caesarian birth, and what kinds of drugs for pain you take will all make a big difference on the bill.
Other factors that will either bring the bill up or down are the length of time you have to stay in the hospital, any complications you may or may not face, and what kind of insurance you have. If you have insurance, there is no doubt that it will cover some of the costs of birthing a child, but to what degree will depend upon the type of plan you have. Many insurance companies will make you pay a percentage of the hospital bill, such as 20% or more.
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Don’t be surprised if you face a bill upwards of $10,000 to bring your child into the world. This is a normal sum for a pregnancy with no major problems or out of the ordinary occurrences. But the good news is that this is the total bill of which you’ll only pay a fraction with good health insurance on your side. If you’re paying 20% of that $10,000 bill then that means that you’re paying only $2,000 out of pocket.
If you do not have health insurance, it’s a smart move to discuss with a hospital and a doctor beforehand how much they’re going to charge you for the delivery. Often when you approach them ahead of time and ask for a fee upfront, you’ll land a better deal.
Some of the most popular health insurance plans today will have staggering out of pocket fees for delivery in the hospital, so it’s a good idea to do your homework ahead of time and really figure out how much of that bill you’re going to pay yourself.
The last thing to prepare yourself for is the unexpected misfortune of having a difficult pregnancy. If you need a C Section or have problems with the infant, your fees are going to sky-rocket. In an easy pregnancy with good health insurance, you may pay $2,000, but with a difficult pregnancy and poor insurance, you could see a bill of as much as $20,000.
Arm yourself with the facts so that the day your bundle of joy is placed in your arms, your elation isn’t ruined by the bill you receive in the mail.
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